We LOVE winter in the Tetons.
Winter in the new farm is wonderful. Cozy nights with a hot wood stove. The little old farm house is warm and quiet - and when the wind howls outside, we can barely hear it. It has taken us a while to adjust to living in an actual house, and compare everything to the dusty, windy, cold yurt we had been in before. Grateful our sacrifices brought us to this new and magical farm, and very grateful for sturdy walls. On warmer winter days Ziggy loves to sit on the back stoop and watch the farm, greeting neighbors as they walk the road.
Carl and I are avid skiers and spend 6 days a week at the ski resorts for our winter jobs. There isn't much we have to do on the farm yet except keep the driveway plowed and plan for warmer weather. I am pretty antsy about building the farm business and nervous about how our first year farming this new land will go. Until the weather turns, we will keep making turns on the slopes!